School Site Council Committee


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Dear CCE Community,

We wanted to warmly welcome the newly elected School Site Council Members who will be working together as our school governance team for the 2024-2026 academic school years.!
Site Council members
We look forward to the collaborative work and dedicated service we will generate to support all students, staff, and parents in our Spanish Immersion Program. Our efforts will focus on the review and approval of CCE’s 2024 Comprehensive School Safety Plan, 2025 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), CCE’s allocation of Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the CCE initiatives that align with our DJUSD’s Strategic Plan.

Thank you to all the CCE community members who participated in our Spring Election!

School Site Council Elections Subcommittee,

Erica Lara, Matt Moore, and Veronica L Dunn


Per the California Education Code, each elementary school Site Council is responsible for the following:

Review and approval of the Comprehensive School Safety Plan

Review and approval of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which serves as a single year strategic plan for the school

Review and approval of the school's allocation of Local Control Funding Formula ("LCFF") funds

Development of a site level parent involvement policy

The Site Council consists of 10 members and one alternate, as specified by California Education Code 65000[a]. The members are the principal, five staff members (certificated and classified/one alternate), and six parents (one parent serving as alternate). Staff must select staff Site Council representatives in a democratically conducted process. Cesar Chavez Elementary School parents elect parent members in a school-wide election for two-year terms, staggered to ensure cohesion for each school year.

2022-23 School Site Council Members
site council members
2023-24 School Site Council Members
¡Bienvenidos, Matt, Kurt, Alex, Erica, and Marta!

The César Chávez Elementary Election Committee has the pleasure to announce that you have been elected to serve on the 2023-25 School Site Council as a two-year position. We wanted to warmly welcome you to all the School Site Council Members who will be working together in this school year!

site council members
Gigi Bugsch

David Silbaugh

Veronica L Dunn

Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Agenda
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, Agenda
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, Agenda
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, Principal’s Report