Is My Student Too Sick EngSpan.pdf
Student Attendance
If your student misses a day of school, it is the responsibility of the parent to contact the CCE Office Attendance Assistant at (530) 757-5490 or email [email protected]. If you forget to call or email in the absence, a DJUSD robo call will automatically be delivered via telephone call to the primary contact(s) phone number (s). If we do not receive a message regarding a missed school day by the primary contact(s), the absence will be coded as “unverified” and can result in a truancy absence if parent/guardian does not notify the CCE Office Team. Thank you for your CARES!
Absences at CCE and Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
Since colds, flus and other respiratory illnesses are more common in colder months, CCE would like to share updated information about “When to Keep Your Child Home from School or Childcare”. Our staff would appreciate you taking the time to read this DJUSD flyer or visit their health website to help ensure your child attend school regularly. When to Keep Your Child Home from School or Child Care - English.pdf When to Keep Your Child Home from School or Child Care - English-Spanish.pdf
There is an evident correlation with consistent school attendance and student academic and social-emotional progress. However, regular attendance is more so a factor in a Spanish Immersion Program when many of our students do not have access to Spanish literacy or Spanish resources outside of CCE. Total ADA is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction, which CCE receives credit/funds based upon attendance of our students.
Alas, CCE absences have increased by 20% this trimester in comparison to other school years. These absences are due to:
- Keeping students home with low-level symptoms, understandably caregivers doing their part to limit the spread of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu, and COVID-19.
- Traveling beyond the 10-consecutive day limit on Short-Term Independent Study contracts, or exceeding the 14-day STIS threshold.
- General Chronic absenteeism, etc.
Traveling for the Holidays? Don’t Fall Behind!
We know that this time of year brings extra travel for many families, and this means that students may have to miss school. Short-term independent study (STIS) is available for students who know in advance that they will be absent for three or more school days and enables the student to stay current with coursework provided by their teacher(s). Students can use STIS for up to 10 consecutive days at a time, with a limit of 14 days total per school year. Please contact our CCE Attendance Manager, Suzanne Hinton, at [email protected] or call (530) 757-5490.
- STIS Plans take teachers much time to put together, please give your teacher advance notice at least 5 business days
- Schools receive STIS attendance credit contingent on the percentage of student work packet completion; (i.e. 10-day STIS only 50% of the student work packet completed equates to 5 days of school attendance credit not 10 days.)
EEA Letters: Excused Absences
Below are the absence thresholds for a student that has Excessive Excused Absences (EEA). K-6th: Absences are counted daily.
Excused Absence Letter 1 - 8 days of Excused Absences
Excused Absence Letter 2 - 12 days of Excused Absences
Excused Absence Letter 13+ days of Excused Absences
Truancy Letter Thresholds: Unexcused Absences
Below are the absence thresholds for a student that has Unexcused Absences. K-6th: Absences are counted daily.
Truancy Letter 1 - 3 days Unexcused or Unverified Absences
Truancy Letter 2 - 6 days Unexcused or Unverified Absences
Truancy Letter 3 - 9 days Unexcused or Unverified Absences