Principal Dunn Update - March 31, 2024
Posted on 03/31/2024
Welcome Back, CCE!

I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break, and your students are ready for school tomorrow! Today is César Chávez Day, and at CCE this week we will be honoring his legacy with many activities and projects. Teachers will showcase their classroom projects and student work at our Open House on Wednesday, April 10. I hope to see you this first Friday of the month for Coffee with the Principal!

CCE greener

CCE Green School Yard – Spring Tree Planting!

Many exciting projects are happening this Spring at CCE and our Environmental Education Program (EEP-SIPAT) in partnership with DJUSD staff worked together during Spring Break to plant over a dozen California native trees for our CCE Green School Yard. We are seeking 6th graders to fulfill the 6th grade Community Service Project tomorrow by mulching the newly planted trees. In addition, we hope all our 1st-6th grade parents can volunteer in April and May for Lobos Activos since these are the last two sessions for each grade for the school year. Please find the Lobos Activos Parent Volunteer Sign Up Genius here:

Warm regards,

Sra. Dunn


Cares program

March CARES Assembly

On Friday March 22, we announced our March Super Lobes at our César CARES assembly. Congratulations to our 1st-6th grade students, ¡Sí se puede!

1st grade: James Bryson, Violeta Contreras, Robert Davis, Damian Garcia, Mateo Guerra McFarlane, Lucas Guzman , and Jasper Lillienord

2nd grade: Megan Avila, Victor Collins, Anora Davis, Rio Diaz-Calisi, Henry Gardner, Eliot Germeshausen, Matias Le, and Elodie Ojeda

3rd grade: Mia Holland, Owen Holtman, Benjamin Klein, Ethan Pineda, and Rasheed Riordan

4th grade: Ayden Herrera, Cecilia Martorell, Sebastian Nino, Sienna Raya Johnson, Hana Shipley, and Holden Weiant-Chavez

5th grade: Emmett Brandenburg, Jacob Dayan, Arthur Hatton, Melania Ngo, Alicia Ross-Ibarra, Bruno Sanchez, and Gilad Siegel

6th grade: Valentina Acevedo Paz, Allison Chang, Anna Ferguson, Andrea Garcia, Meredith Jakubek, Michael Ndah, Emilio Perez and David York


bike swap

11th Annual CCE Bike Swap!

Buy a bike, donate a bike, or sell a bike! This is a great affordable way for our CCE students and our community to buy a bicycle this Spring! Just in time for the afterschool City of Davis/CCE Bike Rodeo on Wednesday, May 8 Bike and the City of Davis Bike To School day event on Wednesday, May 24. To learn more visit the SIPAT web page here.

DJUSD Introducing S.P.A.R.K

DJUSD has announced that their Expanded Learning program will be offering two Supportive Partnerships & Active Recreation for Kids (S.P.A.R.K) in the 2024-2025 school year: 1) Kinder S.P.A.R.K, and 2) After School S.P.A.R.K. Applications will be available on Tuesday, April 2 at you may find more information in the following documents here: SPARK letter to families.pdf   DJUSD SPARK Application Flyer.pdf       SPARK FAQ 24_25.pdf

The Great Reading Challenge

This spring students in grades 4th-6th will have the opportunity to participate in our annual Great Reading Challenge event! Teams of 4-6 students will read six books and gather at the end of May in the MPR to demonstrate their knowledge of the books. The team that answers the most questions correctly will win a prize and be crowned the winners of the challenge! This is an exciting way to foster a lifelong love of reading for pleasure. Participation is optional. Students will learn about the Great Reading Challenge during their class library visit this week. More information will be sent home from your child’s teacher.

Important Dates & Events

M-F, April 1-5 – César Chávez Week

Wednesday, April 3 – Paraprofessional Appreciation Day

Friday, April 5 – Principal Dunn Coffee, 8:30 a.m., MPR

Wednesday, April 10 – Open House, 5:30 p.m. Specialists Doors Open, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Classroom Doors Open

Sun, April 14 – CCE Bike Swap, CCE Staff Parking Lot

Wednesday, April 17 – School Site Council Meeting, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Library

Friday, May 3 – Principal Dunn Coffee, 8:30 a.m., MPR

Wednesday, May 15 – School Site Council Meeting, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Library

Thursday, May 16 – Spring Strings Music Concert, Brunelle Theater

Saturday, May 18 – Fiesta hosted by SIPAT, CCE, TB