Our school is proudly participating in
The Great Kindness Challenge (GKC), a week-long program dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide. To help our students practice kindness and put their compassion into action, they will receive a GKC checklist. [Insert Here] We will encourage all students to complete as many acts of kindness as possible at school and hope they feel inspired to continue them at home! Together, we will lift each other up, cheer each other on, and show the world that KINDNESS MATTERS!
In addition, we will have spirit days for this special week, Mon., January 22-Fri., January 26:
Monday/January 22:
Wild about kindness-animal print/bring a stuffed animal to school
Tuesday/January 23:
Team up for kindness-sports gear
Wednesday/January 24:
Shine bright with kindness-bright/neon colors
Thursday/January 25:
It’s your job to be kind-dress up as a career you’d like in the future
Friday/January 26:
Dreaming of kindness-pajamas