Estimados CCE Families and Caregivers,
My hope is that you receive this update in good health and spirit as I know we are preparing for the start of our 2024-25 DJUSD school year! Sending you a warm welcome to our first day of school tomorrow, Monday, August 26. Hopefully you had the opportunity to attend our PTA - Spanish Immersion Parent and Teacher (SIPAT) Welcome Back Picnic today, Sunday, August 25, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Redwood Park.
Since the transition from summer to school can be a challenge for both adults and children, I have included a few important resources for you to help with this adjustment.Back-to-School_Transitions_FINAL_2017.pdf Getting Ready for Bed.pdf After School Routine.pdf Twenty Questions to Ask Your Child About What They Are Learning.pdf Positive Parenting Checklist.pdf
Here are a few suggestions to help ease the transition and promote a successful school experience:
- Review our CCE Student-Family Handbook
- Mark your Calendars
- Make Multiple Copies of your Child’s health/emergency Information
- Reestablish Bedtime and Mealtime Routines
- Plan to arrive CCE daily Punctually for Arrival and Dismissal Times
o 8:10 a.m. First Bell
o 8:23 a.m. Sprint Bell
o 8:25 a.m. School Start Bell
- Avoid parking on Anderson Road 3-Min Loading Zone and Staff Parking Lot
- Bike to School
- Park on Rutgers Rd., Linden Ln, Pine Ln and Walk in
Caregivers may enter along the campus perimeter and walk their student(s) to the back of the school and supervise them as they line up before the 8:23 a.m. “sprint bell”. Teachers will meet their student classroom lines on the playground when the 8:25 a.m. bell rings. We ask that parents refrain from entering campus hallways unless they have checked into the school office Raptor System and are wearing a school visitor badge.
We are thrilled to see you all tomorrow, and I wish you a nice evening’s rest!
Hasta mañana,
Sra. Dunn
Back To School Nights
This school year, I am inviting all families and caregivers for a brief 20-min welcome and information session in the MPR before parents and caregivers visit classrooms to meet your child’s teacher(s). The principal presentation will provide important school information, and a chance to meet CCE parents and committee leaders who will invite parents to participate in school wide events and projects. Childcare is not available at this event, therefore we respectfully ask that childcare be pre-arranged in advance off campus. Redwood Park is an optional space for child supervision for extended family, caregivers and household siblings.

The César Chávez Elementary Student-Family Handbook
Our school handbook is found online on the CCE website.
Important Dates
M-F, August 26-30 - César CARES: Semana de Cooperación
Wednesday, August 28 – Back to School Night
First Grade - 4:30-5:30 p.m., MPR
Second Grade - 5:00-6:00 p.m., MPR
Third Grade - 5:30-6:30 p.m., MPR
Thursday, August 29 – Back to School Nights
TK & Kinder AM/PM - 3:45-5:00 p.m. & 5:00-6:15 p.m., in classrooms 1, 7, 8
Fourth Grade 4:30-5:30 p.m., MPR
Fifth Grade - 5:00-6:00 p.m., MPR
Sixth Grade - 5:30-6:30 p.m., MPR
Friday, August 30 – CCE Picture Day
Monday, September 2 - NO SCHOOL, Labor Day Holiday